Brown County Arrests - Tuesday, August 18, 2020
No claims to the accuracy of this information are made. The information and photos presented on this site have been collected from the websites of County Sheriff's Offices or Clerk of Courts. The people featured on this site may not have been convicted of the charges or crimes listed and are presumed innocent until proven guilty. Do not rely on this site to determine factual criminal evidence. Contact the respective County Clerk or State Attorney's Office for more information. There may be persons listed who are not "newly" arrested, but are being transferred from another Correctional Facility to Brown County for court appearances related to prior charges. Those listed could also be due to scheduled court appearances. The release of this information is intended to educate and protect the public and is not to be used to injure, harass, or commit a criminal act against any individual or their family.
Booking charges are usually amended with modifiers at the initial court appearance. Charges may change without notice as a result of plea bargaining, court hearings, or jury trials.
Resisting or Obstructing an Officer / Obstructing Police (M)
Possess/Illegally Obtained Prescription | Dangerous Drugs (M)
OAR resulting from offense counted under 343.307(2) | Traffic Offense (M)
Contempt of Court / Disobey Order (M)
2. Ryan Zimmerman
Contempt of Court / Disobey Order (M)
3. Cody Allen
Disorderly Conduct (M) - 2 Counts
Criminal Damage to Property (M)
4. Alexis Handlen
Disorderly Conduct / Simple Assault (M)
Battery / Assault (M)
5. Noe Abundiz
Case 19CT1510 - Sentence beginning 8/18/20
Operating Under the Influence - 3rd Offense (M)
6. James Woods
Case 19CF944 - Open - Bench Warrant Issued 2/7/2020
Fail to Maintain Sex Offender Registry (F)
Case 20CF573 - Filed Only - Arrest Warrant Issued 4/13/2020
Bail Jumping - Felony (F)
7. Moses Clarey (8/12/20 Mugshot, Today's unavailable)
Disorderly Conduct (M)
Theft - Movable Property / Larceny (M)
8. Christopher Wells (2/17/18 Mugshot, Today's unavailable)
Disorderly Conduct (M)
Resisting or Obstructing an Officer / Resisting Officer (M)
9. Ronald Shepard
Case 19CT1562 - Open - Bench Warrant Issued 7/6/20
Ignition Interlock Device Tampering / Failure to Install - Violate Court Order (M)
10. Damarrio Martin
Case 2020CF888 - Open - Bench Warrant Issued 7/9/20
Disorderly Conduct (M)
Battery or Threat to Judge, Prosecutor, or Law Enforcement Officer (F)
Resisting or Obstructing an Officer (M)
11. Marcos Beltran-Ruiz
1st Degree Recklessly Endangering Safety / Crimes Against Persons (F) - 4 Counts
Disorderly Conduct (M)
Criminal Damage to Property (M) - 3 Counts
12. Matthew Cairns
Federal Safekeeper - Statute 0001.00
13. Justin Doney
Probation Violation (F)
14. Jessica Miller (No Mugshot Available)
Case 11CF895 - Sentence beginning 8/18/20
9 months Jail (good time/huber), 4 years Probation
Manufacture/Deliver Cocaine < 1-5 grams (F)
15. Jeremiah Johnson
Probation Violation (F)
16. Jerome Stevens
Case 20CT673 - Open Bench Warrant Issued 8/11/20
Hit and Run (M)
17. Kory Dunlap (5/19/20 Mugshot, Today's Unavailable)
Probation Violation (F)
Case 20CT673 - Open Bench Warrant Issued 8/11/20
Hit and Run (M)
Probation Violation (F)
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